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Oral Probiotics - a Simple Solution to Complex Problems


Sometimes complex problems can have simple solutions. Dental decay and gum disease, the two major battles we fight in dentistry, are both caused by destructive bacteria living in the oral cavity. But why then do some people have neither of these problems? It has been discovered that these people with healthy mouths have different strains of healthy bacteria living in their mouths.

The Goal:

What if we identified the healthy bacteria, put them in a tablet and recolonized the mouth with them, crowding out the unhealthy bacteria?

The Research:

That is exactly what a scientist did. It is called ProBioraPro. It took him thirty years to do the research and get FDA approval. It this writing it has now been on the market for seven years and there are twenty peer review studies proving its effectiveness. I first heard about it recently at the UNC School of Dentistry where is had been evaluated and recommended.

Healthy bacteria are essential for our bodies. We have as many bacteria cells living in our bodies as we do human cells. The goal is to outnumber the bad bacteria with good healthy bacteria. These good bacteria produce essential nutrients that our bodies cannot make. ProBioraPro contains three strands of healthy bacteria, two for our gums and one for our teeth. These are the same bacteria that are already in healthy mouths. The healthy gum bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide instead of sulfur and other harmful contaminants. The healthy teeth bacteria do not produce lactic acid which causes decay.

Harmful Bacteria spread:

Also, the harmful bacteria do not just stay in the mouth, they spread via the blood stream around the body, having a particular affinity for knees and heart valves. I had a patient recently that had some swelling on his knee. His doctor biopsied it and said it was a Streptococcus Mutans, a bacterial infection originating from his mouth. Another patient was recently referred to me by his cardiologist. The cardiologist explained to the patient he could not clear up his heart problems due to the infection in his mouth.

The Results:

So, a once a day tablet can decrease gum disease, decay and bad breath and as a side effect the hydrogen peroxide can whiten the teeth.

Probiotic tablets for the gut have been around for decades. ProBioriaPro is a once a day mint flavored probiotic for the mouth that is placed on the tongue at bedtime. It dissolves slowly over a few minutes.

The New Paradigm Shift

The goal for years has been to kill the harmful bacteria with chemicals but this kills the good bacteria also. The goal now is to simply recolonize the mouth with healthy bacteria by crowding out the harmful bacteria.

ProBioraPro, an ingenious simple solution to an age old problem.

The Cost:

You can buy a three month supply of ProBioraPro in our office for $60 or from Amazon for $81. That would be about $20 to $25 a month. Some people after their dental problems have subsided take one tablet every other day cutting their cost in half.

If you have had dental problems your whole life, one a day forever would be best.

My Story:

Thirty five years ago when I was at UNC School of Dentistry I heard that someday a vaccine would be made to kill the bacteria that caused decay and gum disease and the current dental business model would end. Well that never happened because the bacteria are too smart. They continually morph into more virulent strains just like flu viruses do.


We have had a lot of technological changes in dentistry over the past forty years. In my meager opinion this idea is probably the most profound that I have seen. A very simple but powerful paradigm shift. Work with our bodies and nature and grow a new crop of healthy bacteria.

For More Information:

YouTube has some videos. The ProBiora Health website has information. Look up the twenty peer review studies. Amazon has over 100 patient reviews for some antidotal data (see the Amazon reviews both under the 30 and the 60 tablet bottles). And we have some information we can give you at the office.

Dr. John Wayand

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